


“三周以前,我们一直在精心救治每个患者。现在,我们必须选择对哪些病人进行重症监护。这真是灾难。”麻醉师兼重症监护专家纳科蒂(Mirco Nacoti)说。

纳科蒂医生曾作为“无国界医生”(Doctors Without Borders)组织的一员,在海地、乍得、库尔德斯坦和象牙海岸工作过,他是贝加莫为数不多见识过流行病疫情的医务人员之一。然而那些都是有疫苗的疾病,如麻疹和风疹。








当地报纸《贝加莫回声报》(Bergamo Echo)上的讣告通常只有一页多。上周一,讣告整整登了九页。“这还只是报纸上登出来的。”纳科蒂医生说。

Source: 意大利医院崩溃的教训:“每错过一天,疫情就严重一点” – 华尔街日报

China’s Progress Against Coronavirus Used Draconian Tactics Not Deployed in the West


  1. 及时的追踪隔离疑似患者和密切接触者;
  2. 将患者按症状分类,重症才进医院,轻症进方舱,降低了医疗系统的负担。

Health experts say other countries short of testing kits can also learn from Wuhan’s experience. Unable to test thousands of suspected cases, on Feb. 4, health authorities allowed doctors to use chest scans to make coronavirus diagnoses in Hubei.

That resulted in a spike in confirmed cases, stunning the outside world. By Feb. 19, however, the number of newly confirmed cases in Wuhan had dropped into the hundreds and by March 11, it was down to single digits. The number of deaths has declined steadily since Feb. 18.

A recent study led by doctors at Wuhan’s Tongji Medical College estimated that the reproduction number of the virus—the average number of people infected by each infected person—was about 3.68 in Wuhan before the lockdown began on Jan. 23.

That number, which has to be reduced to below one to stop an epidemic, dropped to 0.32 between Feb. 2 and 18, the study found.

Source: China’s Progress Against Coronavirus Used Draconian Tactics Not Deployed in the West – WSJ